"Deceived Multitude"

Today on Fridays with MPK, I shared this poem I wrote in the early 2000’s. I have been pondering the topic: “What’s wrong with the church?” since I became a Christian in 1994. I grew up around the church. I must have “asked Jesus into my heart” like 312 times as a kid. (I made that number up hehe) No matter how many times I tried to pray a magical prayer to get Jesus on my terms, it wasn’t until I surrendered and came to Him on His terms, that I was truly converted. The Biblical model set forth in the Word of God is ROCK SOLID, but the brokeness we see in our local congregations is an “US” problem not a “Church” problem. God will NOT be done with LOCAL CHURCHES until His return! SO CHURCH, BE THE Biblical CHURCH!! Make sure you are preaching Biblical Christianity, Pastors. Churchgoers? Do you know the Biblical JESUS? Are you converted? Have you truly been born again? Are you studying the Scriptures? Seeking Your Savior in Prayer? Praying for your pastors and fellow believers? Are you rebukable? The Church is the Body of Christ! Do not be deceived! LOTS of churchgoers are not the Church, but the deceived multitude.

Friday with MPK 10-30-20

Friday with MPK 10-30-20

Dawn Wolf