Coming Soon!!!
The Wompy Flompy Womband presents: “The Good News Review”
SousaRap Fusion is the Future
Here is a selection of AI versions of the song until Noah finishes the REAL one!!!
Lyrics by Dawn R. Wolf, melody and arrangements by Antichrist Intelligence aka AI hahaha
My New Teaching Booklet
Available at MPK Christian Celtic Band Concerts and King’s Conquest Concerts (if “merch mom” travels!)
Jesus Be the Boss of Me
Poetry and Ponderings Volume 2
by Dawn R. Wolf
Titus the Musical
Now ANYONE can memorize the entire book of Titus in 11 songs! God wants to have an intimate relationship with you through His written Word! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
May your relationship with Jesus grow as you develop an intimacy with Him through His Word. I hope this tool can help you on your journey in Jesus!
Blessings in Jesus,