"The 7-fold Fixer Upper Plan"
Here is the brand newestest poem I have ever written!!! I was reading my 6-tabs yesterday a.m. and came to Psalm 51 in my Psalm tab. With familiar passages, it is sometimes easy to just coast with a “I know this” attitude. As I was reading verses 10 through 17, a pattern jumped off the page at me and morphed into this poem. I LOVE THE HOLY SPIRIT’s leading!!! There are endless nuggets of gold in His Word. You will never mine the depths of even common passages. HALLELUJAH!!!
If you are drudgingly reading your Bible and it has seemed to lose it’s wonder. You aimlessly point and shoot randomly and haphazardly studying nothing in particular. You feel dreadful about your Bible laziness and have no idea where to start.
Learn to enjoy the delicious fullness of His Holy Book!