Wisdom Wednesday with MPK Episode 9

Wisdom Wednesday with MPK Episode 9! In yesterday’s episode, I shared my poem “Pressure Cooker of Holiness” and some insights from 1 Timothy 1:5. This verse has lived in my heart through the entirety of teaching through this precious letter to Timothy from His mentor and true Father in the Faith, Paul the apostle. It is the entirety of our Christian Sanctification in one verse. It is God’s plan for every true believer. It is the purpose of the Commandment: pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith. I love three point sermons, but this could be a six-month sermon. Oh and by the way, KEEP your eyeballs lookin for our NEW RELEASE TOMORROW!! MPK Christian Celtic Band’s “Session Tunes” will hit the airwaves in multiple places! Share it with all your peeps!! God BLESS YOUR DAY!!

Tomorrow, February 4, 2022 is the official release date!! YAY!!!!

Dawn Wolf