Shared this little nugget at our last MPK livestream on 10-1-2020. I love the leading of the Holy Spirit! I have sensed His oh so still small voice this week. Unbelief will keep you from His reality. I always ask the Lord what I should wear before church on a Sunday morning. This past Sunday I wore the exact same dress as my sis, Jo. There is at the very least, a 1 in 225 chance we would wear the one dress we have in common on the exact same Sunday, using the simplest probability calculation. I LOVE the Holy Spirit! Then, for this livestream, I always inquire of the Lord what to share. He gently nudged “Yawn” which “just happened” to fit into a theme of CHURCH WAKE UP!!! Which is being shouted from many rooftops all over this sleepy nation! I LOVE JESUS!!!!!! Lord, give us a sign!!! Uh, He has given a bazillion, we just are not paying attention!!!!