The Garden of Your Heart

Did I mention I love to garden? More specifically vegetable and fruit garden! Grow food not lawn! I still have lawn. The llamas are always hungry for lawn! One of my favorite times is heading out to the garden around 6:30 a.m. with my lovely Bible audio (The Word of Promise audio NKJV) downloaded onto my stupidphone. There is even a Word of Promise app in Google Play. I put the Bible on shuffle and get surprised! Chapter after chapter after truth-filled, life-changing chapter, randomly presented fresh and new with every plucked weed! I bring my big, green, Tupperware from the 80’s, plastic bowl and fill it up with LEAF after WONDERFUL LEAF! Spinach, baby bok choy, purple kale, green curly kale, beet greens, baby collard greens, brussel sprout leaves, red cabbage leaves, broccoli leaves, and, of course, lettuce leaves get washed and bagged as my own glorious blend of awesome! Every year I bite off more garden than I can chew, and get overrun by weed monsters. If I don’t get out every day, it can seem hopeless.

That’s what my heart looked like years ago. Distraction weeds had overgrown my devotional time with JESUS. Not on purpose, I strayed from His commandments here a little, there a little, and landed in the wilderness… I knew He never moved. I know it was my wretched, weak, lazy flesh. I so desperately did NOT want to be a LAZY, BIBLE LOSER!!! So, I prayed to the LORD and asked Him how to redeem my ever-escaping time! Through that lap around the wilderness, He was faithful and helped me invent a Bible system. “Dawn’s World-Famous 6-Tab System” was birthed. It brought order to my Study of God’s Word. If your brain is naturally random and cluttered like mine is, maybe my system will help you get closer in your relationship with JESUS! Merry Christmas!!! Happy weeding!

Psalm 119:10-11

With my whole heart I have sought You;

Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!

Your word I have hidden in my heart,

That I might not sin against You.

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The tabs keep your places! Takes the pressure off! Just keep reading all your tabs over and over and over. You will never mine the riches of His Word in one lifetime. Praise the Lord for eternity!!!

The tabs keep your places! Takes the pressure off! Just keep reading all your tabs over and over and over. You will never mine the riches of His Word in one lifetime. Praise the Lord for eternity!!!

Dawn Wolf